
NeedyMeds is a 501(c)(3) national non-profit that connects people to programs that will help them afford their medications and other healthcare costs.

NeedyMeds is not a patient assistance program, but rather a source of information on thousands of programs that may be able to offer assistance to people in need. 

  • Welcome New Users
    If you are new to the NeedyMeds website, the new users page can help steer you in the right direction.
  • NeedyMeds Webinars
    Regularly-held webinars that help users learn how to navigate the website. Also special-topic webinars that cover a variety of topics appropriate for the health care professional, advocate or patient.
  • Webinar & Video Library
    An archive of monthly overview and special-topic webinars plus our extensive educational videos meant to teach our users about the work we do at NeedyMeds and how best to access our resources.
  • Helpline
    NeedyMeds offers a toll-free helpline for those needing more assistance. Call 800-503-6897.
  • Subscription Center
    All-in-one center for subscribing to PAPTracker software, Patient Advocate Newsletter (PAN), Patient Assistance Program Update Service (PAPUS), and inquiries on partnership information.
  • Vitals Newsletter
    Monthly informative e-newsletter dedicated to highlighting new and current NeedyMeds’ resources, health-related issues, interviews and more.
  • Patient Assistance Program Update Service (PAPUS)
    Sign up for daily or weekly patient assistance program email alerts and new generic approvals.
  • PAPTracker
    Simplify and streamline the application process for patient assistance program forms.
  • Order Print Materials
    Order your NeedyMeds drug discount cards, brochures and information handouts. Available in English, Spanish, Portuguese, Russian and Khmer.
  • Patient Assistance Program Administration
    Offering experience and assistance in program design for patient assistance programs.
  • Drug Discount Card App
    Show the downloaded drug discount card image to the pharmacist to save up to 80% off the cost of your prescriptions. New pharmacy finder help you locate the 63,000-plus pharmacies nationwide that accept the card.